Welcome to Peninsula Dressage
Peninsula Dressage is a Chapter of Potomac Valley Dressage Association (PVDA), which in turn is part of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF). Operating on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, we are based in Salisbury, with members in Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester Counties in Maryland, Accomack County in Virginia, and Sussex and Kent Counties in Delaware.
Our membership is diverse in training, interest, and experience. We are a welcoming, friendly group that cares about each other. Our interest is the love of the discipline and our horses. We have an "L" Program graduate judge in our group, which is certainly an asset for the competitive riders. There are also some Second, Third and FEI Level riders in our ranks. But most of us are happily working up to and through Training and First Level. We cheer each other on, celebrate the blue and red ribbons, and commiserate when it just isn’t working.
Peninsula Dressage stages five dressage shows annually at locations in the Salisbury area, one of which is to benefit the Women Supporting Women organization. We also host clinics with professional trainers and instructors. We meet monthly at members' homes and farms, local restaurants, and the local equestrian center. Depending on the time of year and weather, our meetings may involve riding demonstrations, watching dressage videos, or guest speakers on a variety of topics (bitting, saddle fitting, vet issues, pasture maintenance, etc.). We participate in the annual PVDA “Chapter Challenge” when we can. We also hold social events, including family picnics, group trips to horse events and farms, and a year-end awards party.
Anyone can attend our shows and meetings, and we love to welcome new members. Come join us!